Fresh Fish Direct to You
What we are and how this works…
We are long time commercial fishermen who provide the freshest salmon available to our customers. We use two methods to harvest our fish: reefnetting and beach seining. Both are hands-on operations, ensuring the fish are top quality. These are whole fish, that are caught, bled, iced, and delivered either the next day or dressed, iced and available at market.
We are happy to announce 2 new pickup locations in Bellingham at Dynasty Cellars and the Dockside Market.
If you are interested in fresh salmon, sign up with your name, contact info, and the fish that you wish. As fish become available, you will be contacted by email to confirm your order and set up a pick up time and place. If you would prefer a voice call, just let us know on the order form. The day of pick up, you will again be notified to confirm delivery. Payment is cash or check only at the time of delivery.
Reefnetting on Legoe Bay
An eco-friendly fishing method practiced at Lummi Island and in the San Juan Islands.
Beach Seining
A harvest method involving setting a net off of the beach, making a circle, hand hauling it and capturing any fish in the area.

Steve Thatcher and crew beach seining in Hoodsport.