
Beach Seining

A harvest method involving setting a net off the shore, and making a circle, hand hauling it, capturing any fish in the area. We target Chinook salmon and are an extreme terminal fishery. Our state approved fishing area is their hatchery. Orca whales have fed on these salmon during their 3 years in the ocean, and as they return to the hatchery, we harvest the surplus. Two species of salmon are harvested: Chinook, 10-15 lbs., are available in August and Pink, 3-5 lbs., are available in odd years (e.g., 2021) in late July and early August.

Resetting and cleaning the net in preparation for another set.

Resetting and cleaning the net in preparation for another set.

Harvesting (bleeding and icing) a catch.

Harvesting (bleeding and icing) a catch.

Start of the fishing day on the Hood Canal.

Start of the fishing day on the Hood Canal.
